Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Taylor Tours the Hospital Circuit...

Taylor's seizures had increased from about 6 a day to about 15 a day over the Thanksgiving week so the doctors had us check back into Children's Hospital here in Atlanta for a few tests.  Taylor had a spinal tap...not fun :(    We'll receive the results back from that in 2 weeks.  We also did a 48 hour video monitored EEG and sleep test.  (They should call it a "No Sleep Test" b/c the lights have to stay on all night and it's not comfortable having 28 electrodes glued to your head <see pic below>.....miserable!)

Friday, we meet with our Atlanta neurologist to go over his opinion on that visit.

Sunday we head to Memphis to check into Le Bonheur Hospital for 5 days.  There, we'll meet with some of the best doctors in the world that specialize in Infantile Spasms.  It's a way for us to get a 2nd set of eyes on Taylor.  While there, he'll get another very detailed MRI and a 5 day EEG while administering various drug treatments.

Please keep up your prayers for Taylor.  We really appreciate your continued Love and positive thoughts.
Below is a picture of Taylor getting some Great Grandmother Love...
Merry Christmas to everyone.

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