Sunday, January 9, 2011

Sunday Smiles...

Tay had two more small seizures last night, but all in all...he's really starting to improve and perk up.  He's much more active now, rolling over and using his hands to pull his nasal cannula out constantly!  His little legs are all over the place, feet constantly searching for side-rails to explore.  He even snuck us a few smiles today.  The hospital won't allow us access to YouTube, but I snuck this 10second video out for you:
Dad plans to trek back to Atlanta on Tuesday, following the 7inch snow storm they're getting pummeled with right now.  Mom and Tay will fly home a few days after checking out of the hospital...hopefully Thurs or Fri this week!  :)
Anybody know what month it is???


  1. OH my goodness what an angel! I LOVE that video I could watch it 1000 times!! Bring him to Memphis!!
    Suzanne, Clay, Murphy and Madden

  2. Glad to hear this update! Hope to see you guys.soon in Atlanta!

  3. Good to hear that he is feeling better. I'll have to meet up and catch one of his smiles when he gets back into town.

    PS - Chris... Careful with the drive back into Atlanta. Let me know if you need any help.
